Thursday, April 26, 2012


Dear readers,

The journey through Colombia continues today. This time I will tell you about our visit to Cali, the capital city of the Valley of Cauca, in southern Colombia. The Valley of Cauca is known for its plantations of rubber, sugar cane, coffee and among other things also cocaine.
The latter brings about problems for the city like high murder rates and a high addiction rate. Aside from the negative characteristics of Cali, this city is also known as the capital city of salsa! And don't I just love that... :)

Unfortunately, we were just 2 days in Cali, so we did not have a lot of time to see everything, but always time to take some shots of course! Here some for you to see!

Starting with breakfast in bed...always nice! :)

We stayed at the Ofi Hotel, a very nice boutique hotel in the Versailles neighbourhood.
We took advantage of their membership of the Executive Club of Cali. This club has everything you can wish for: a swimming pool, a restaurant, a cafe, a fitness area, a beauty salon, a name it! Because of the high temperatures, we decided to take a plunge!

Swimming at the Executive Club of Cali, VERY cool!

Lovely view of Cali from the rooftop of the Executive Club of Cali

The swimming pool

Enjoying a Colombian beer in the pool

Cali is known for its exquisite restaurants, among them the famous restaurant "Platillos Voladores" which literally means "flying plates", but there it is more interpreted as ufo's. Anyway, it is a really nice restaurant, a bit pricey, but for Europeans like us still very much affordable. I had one of the nicest sauces I have ever tasted draped on my salmon :) YUM!

At the famous restaurant "Platillos Voladores" enjoying Asian food

My next post of our trip in Colombia will be about Popayan, a little city in the south of the Valley of Cauca!

What do you think of my Colombia posts thus far? I would love to hear!

Love, Melissa


  1. I travel light. I think the most important thing is to be in a good mood and enjoy life, wherever you are.
