Dear readers,
Until now I did not have any time to post anything, sorry for that! At this moment I´m in Honduras and enjoying myself a lot! Before arriving in Honduras, I went to Miami, where I had a blast as well! I don´t know if you read my first post ¨Welcome¨ but in there I write about working at my father´s company. He has an import/export company in tropical plants and in a few years I will take over the company as my father will retire in a couple of years. So right now, I´m still learning! However, I already know I want to continue this path, because I´m already kind of in love with the whole scene! :) To be so sure about something feels so liberating and it also gives me strength to not just be good, but to be the best in what I´m doing! Do you recognize this feeling?
So tonight we went to dinner to ¨Club Arabe¨ with my fathers associates here in Honduras and I wanted to share some pictures of the amazing place, but I can´t find any online...what the ***, right?! Well, trust me on this, it´s an amazing place, so if you´re planning to visit San Pedro Sula, Honduras, try to go there, it is well worth it!
In 2 days I´m headed to El Salvador and after that to Costa Rica. Too bad this trip will be over in 8 days, but hopefully I will go again soon!
For now, I´ll share some pictures of the beach where you can find me tomorrow :) Hey, it´s business, but with 43 degrees Celsius don´t blame me for wanting to take a dive in the ocean ;)
Sorry, I really did not want to make you jealous haha!
Love, Melissa
Dear readers,
Today I leave for a business trip and unfortunately I will not be able to write on a daily basis. I definitely hope I get the change to write at least 1 or 2 times, but I cannot promise it! Good thing there are 131 posts on my blog, so you will not be bored when visiting my blog...that I can promise! :)
So, where I'm headed? I'm going to Miami, Honduras, El Salvador and Costa Rica. Not so bad, right?!
For now, goodbye and see you in 2 weeks!
Love, Melissa